Upgrade your afternoon snack routine with this delicious, stress-fighting veggie dip

January 02, 2020 at 01:00AM by CWC [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A38hYM-5K0A] Looking for a delicious snack that fights stress while you eat? Watch the video for the recipe. Given the consequences of chronic stress on overall health, it might be wise to add “chill the f**k out” to your new year’s resolutions

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The flexitarian diet lets you go mostly plant-based without *totally* ditching burgers

January 01, 2020 at 01:00AM by CWC If there’s one food lesson we learned this year, it’s the importance of plant-based eating for health and the environment. But it’s one thing to know that eating fewer animal products and more plants is associated lots of benefits—from reduced risk of heart disease

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