September 01, 2019 at 11:22PM by CWC
With a potent new moon at your back, (the new moon in Virgo happened at 6 degrees on August 30), September opens up on a productive note. The majority of planets continue to travel through earth signs, as the cosmos serve us a whopping dose of grounded energy.
When the elemental emphasis sways so profoundly in the direction of the element earth, as it has now, conditions become perfect for productivity. So, set your sights on exactly what you wish to accomplish and think through what you need to succeed. You can and will get so much done, if you apply some heart-driven strategy to what you are going after.
When the elemental emphasis sways so profoundly in the direction of the element earth, as it has now, conditions become perfect for productivity.
On the topic of the earth element, I want to explain something significant. We are currently living in an astrological moment defined by two slow-moving planets that find themselves in very close proximity to one another in Capricorn. These two planets, Saturn and Pluto, command transformation.
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Saturn and Pluto ask for hard work, tenacity, and determination. While they travel close to one another in nose-to-the-grindstone Capricorn, their presence is hard to ignore.
This combination of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn has a massive crescendo in 2020. However, we’ve felt the combination of these two titans throughout all of 2019. Especially over the last few months.
Here’s what led to this powerful Saturn-Pluto moment
While the sun traveled in Gemini from May 21–June 21, Saturn and Pluto activated a deep need for our ego to release misaligned commitments. While the sun moved in Cancer from June 21–July 22, this combination of the Saturn and Pluto unearthed shadows. While the sun was in Leo from July 22–August 23, the cosmos again commanded the need to surrender what’s out of alignment.
Now the sun, Mercury, Mars, and Venus all travel in Virgo—a fellow earth sign that works productively with Capricorn energy. Yes. Over the next week, we can integrate the lessons from summer and wholeheartedly digest our growth, while astutely moving in the direction of our most desired outcomes.
So, review: What have the last few months taught you about using your power dynamics in your life? What can you claim right now for yourself as it applies to your growth?
It’s time to review: What have the last few months taught you about using your power dynamics in your life? What can you claim right now for yourself as it applies to your growth?
This is so important because now, with the sun and all of the personal planets traveling in service-oriented Virgo, the cosmos provides the perfect conditions to get quiet, tap into your inner power, and stay humble. To explain it astrologically, we find ourselves in an applying trine with the two aforementioned titans: Saturn and Pluto. This means we can, and should, lean into them for support.
But before we go any further, let’s address humility for a moment. As the opposite of the self-promoting energy that dominates the current viral meme culture, humility asks for a focus on purpose. It demands unpretentiousness, sincerity, and simplicity. It asks us to lead by being in service to others. It’s important to grasp this now, as this is precisely what this heavy emphasis in Virgo wants us to understand.
Let’s address humility for a moment. As the opposite of the self-promoting energy that dominates the current viral meme culture, humility asks for a focus on purpose.
Virgo season, a time for grounded and precise action, is a time to put your ego aside, roll up your sleeves, and commit to being of service to your dreams and society. As you approach the week ahead, think about who and what you are in service to. It’s a time to stand in your conviction, and do so without needing to be the center of attention. Now is a time for service leadership.
And that’s not all that’s happening this week
So, with all of these things in mind, here’s the 411 on the week ahead.
On Labor Day, the sun and Mars conjoin at 9 degrees in Virgo. The sun represents our identity and life force energy, while Mars represents our ability to take action. When the sun and Mars conjoin together like this, they bring ferocity.
Since Mars rules work, you may feel extra enthused to move your body. Consider taking time for exercise. A spin class, vigorous hike, long run, or any other cardio activity proves fruitful now. And, yes, sex counts, too. If you feel full of lust and ready for a physical release, please do seek sexual pleasure—no partner required for stress-relieving orgasms. You may think that you have energy fit to burst, so apply it. If you have the day off, move your body and sweat. Exercise, exercise, exercise.
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The sun represents our identity and life force energy, while Mars represents our ability to take action. When the sun and Mars conjoin together like this, they bring ferocity.
Come Tuesday with the workweek beginning, the productive vibes grow even stronger. Mercury catches up with the sun and Mars at 10 degrees of Virgo, adding even more detail-oriented momentum to the mix. You can get so much done right now. Yes, it’s back-to-work and back-to-school time—what about that excites you?
On Wednesday, Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. This combination of Venus opposing the planet of dreams puts extra emphasis on tuning into your most desired goals. Virgo represents practicality, while Pisces represents spirituality. How can you be in service to the biggest desires in your life?
The waxing quarter moon in Sagittarius on Thursday asks you to review the goals you set with the new moon one week prior. The waxing quarter square plays directly into the Neptune-square-Jupiter aspect that’s played out all year. Right now there’s a confusing mutable T-square at play, which can feel agitating and confusing. Resist the urge to give into frustrations. Your job is to communicate and communicate clearly. Fortunately to that point, Mercury, the planet of communication, trines Saturn. This alignment is great for signing contracts, as well as seeing the forest for the trees and staying centered.
Thankfully, on Friday, the sun also perfects its manifestation trine to Saturn. Yes! This helps you even more. Take action on behalf of business goals now. Even with Mercury in an awkward angle to Jupiter, (which can create a wee bit of drama), you can persevere and make incredible gains. Jupiter wants you to take a stand back, and see the big picture. With so much Virgo at play, aggravating the Jupiter-square-Neptune aspects, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Remember: Clear, concise, and to-the-point communication helps you profoundly now.
On Saturday, Mercury moves into an opposition with Neptune. Mercury rules how you think, and Neptune can lead to disillusionment. Anything mind-altering can have a negative impact at this time. On the upside, though, taking time to visualize your desires bodes well. Consider making a vision board or spending time writing out your wishes for what you are conjuring in your life.
Enjoy the week ahead. It’s potentially game-changing.
Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success.
Author Jennifer racioppi | Well and Good
Selected by CWC