If there’s one thing I’m asked most frequently as a shopping editor, it’s what designer bags are worth the investment. It’s a pretty big question to answer, as so many things come into play. After all, one person’s idea of what is affordable and expensive depends on their budget. There’s also the practicality consideration—some of us would happily forgo a roomy interior for an attractive design, whereas others require their handbags to fit everything except the kitchen sink.
I’m probably somewhere in the middle. I find it hard to get on board with the micro-bag trend, and I require my bags to be versatile. However, I am the sort of person you’ll see lugging around a canvas tote bag with a water bottle, laptop and tissues while my handbag remains unsullied by such weighty responsibilities. I find that midsize bags, such as my Wandler Hortensia, fit the bill nicely, but what other designer bag styles do I rate from the current season? I hit the Matches townhouse in Carlos Place (you have to go if you’ve never been) to try on some of this season’s heavy hitters IRL and give you the full lowdown.
I’ve purposefully included both big-name brands and lesser-known names to present a full spectrum of what’s on offer—sometimes some of the coolest designs are to be found from up-and-comers. Also, it may sound obvious, but note these are all within the “designer” handbag realm, so prices are on the upper end, but I’ve tried to include a few options within each price bracket. From Gucci’s Diana to Wandler’s Penelope, scroll down to see and shop the designer bags that are worth the investment this season.
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