A CrossFit coach says ā€˜MCIā€™ is the acronym to remember for nonstop progress at the gym

January 24, 2020 at 09:00PM by CWC Unless you have a natural-born talent for heavy weight-lifting or 5-minute miles, you’ll have to begin, well, at the beginning. The CrossFit approach known as ‘MCI’ (mechanics-consistency-intensity) teaches you measured progress that values longevity over immediate gains. And Maillard Howell, owner ofĀ CrossFit Prospect

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A cardiologist says that you should start paying attention to *this* metric on your Apple Watch

January 22, 2020 at 11:26PM by CWC [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLWnmow8atw] “A wakeup call.” That’s what What the Wellness host Ella Dove dubbed her heart rate monitor in our latest episode. We called it in our 2020 trends: This year, more than ever before, your health will be in the palm of

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Auriculotherapy gives you the benefits of acupuncture, but while youā€™re on the go

January 21, 2020 at 04:00PM by CWC Riddle me this: What keeps a scaredy-cat away from acupuncture and getting a second piercing in their earlobe? Yes, that’s easy: needles. And, yes: I’m that scaredy-cat. While I completely understand, rationally, that acupuncture doesnā€™t actually hurt and the nice people at piercing

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Macyā€™s basically just launched a wellness department (with our help!)ā€”here are our 9 favorite items

January 20, 2020 at 06:00PM by CWC Imagine discovering a one-stop-shop haven of wellness treasures that has everything you know you needā€”water bottles, candles, and foam rollersā€”along with life-enhancing goods you never even knew you desired. Well, imagine no more, because that haven is very, very real, and ready for

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What the first new moon of the decade means for your big-picture goals

January 19, 2020 at 10:00PM by CWC Over the last few weeks, we’ve experienced some of the most intense aspects that this generation will see. With the Saturn and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn happening opposite a lunar eclipse in Cancer, deep-seated issues likely surfaced, inviting you to devote some attention

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How Instagramā€™s love of food pics has shaped how chefs approach their cooking

January 17, 2020 at 01:00AM by CWC Picture this: You’re at brunch with your crew, right in the middle of telling your friends about some major drama going on at work. You’re momentarily interrupted by the waiter bringing over your order of avocado toast. It looks amazingā€”vibrant green avocado slices

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Williamsburg is basically ā€˜Wellnessburg,ā€™ and we have the healthy travel guide to prove it

January 15, 2020 at 11:00PM by CWC [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zyrxwk3JFsI] Ready to plan your wellness-rich Williamsburg itinerary? Watch the video for inspo. There isn’t much Well+Good video producer and host Ella Dove hasn’t tried in the name of wellness (horseback yoga, anyone?) So naturally, we tend to trust her opinions on

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The universe has big (uncomfortable) changes in store this week, and youā€™d be wise not to resist them

January 12, 2020 at 10:00PM by CWC The week ahead brings paradigm-shifting, game-changing, energy. Starting Sunday, January 12, when Saturn and Pluto perfect their conjunction at 22 degrees of Capricorn, the cosmic weather commands you to declare your most sincere intentions for your life. The process may lead you to

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