Are Gordon Ramsay’s Scrambled Eggs Actually The Best?

Are Gordon Ramsay’s Scrambled Eggs Actually The Best?

Gordon Ramsay’s scrambled eggs are famous for being creamy and delicious. Here’s how to make them:


– 4 large eggs
– 1-2 tablespoons of butter
– Salt and freshly ground black pepper
– Optional: a splash of milk or cream


1. Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk them together. You can add a splash of milk or cream at this point if you prefer creamier scrambled eggs. Season with a pinch of salt and some freshly ground black pepper.

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2. Heat a non-stick pan over low to medium heat. Add the butter and let it melt, ensuring it coats the bottom of the pan evenly.

3. Pour the whisked eggs into the pan. Allow them to sit for a moment, and then start stirring gently with a rubber spatula. Keep the eggs moving in the pan to prevent sticking and to ensure even cooking.

4. Continue to stir the eggs as they cook. They will start to form soft curds. If you like your eggs slightly runny, you can remove them from the heat when they’re still a bit wet.

5. If you prefer your scrambled eggs fully cooked, continue to cook and stir until they reach your desired level of doneness. Be careful not to overcook them, as they can become dry.

6. Remove the pan from the heat just before the eggs are fully set, as they will continue to cook a bit from the residual heat of the pan.

7. Plate the scrambled eggs immediately and season with a bit more salt and pepper if needed. You can also garnish them with fresh herbs like chives for extra flavor.

Gordon Ramsay’s scrambled eggs are known for their creamy texture and delicate flavor. Enjoy your homemade gourmet scrambled eggs!