Blogs to follow

What it’s *really* like to get a $2,000 facial treatment

September 13, 2019 at 01:01PM by CWC [youtube] Close your eyes and imagine getting a $2,000 facial. Are you envisioning your skin being scrubbed with tiny crystals? The most extra LED light setup? Face masks and chemical peels and gadgets galore? Yep, that’s pretty accurate, at least in senior

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What it’s *really* like to get a $2,000 facial treatment

September 13, 2019 at 01:01PM by CWC [youtube] Close your eyes and imagine getting a $2,000 facial. Are you envisioning your skin being scrubbed with tiny crystals? The most extra LED light setup? Face masks and chemical peels and gadgets galore? Yep, that’s pretty accurate, at least in senior

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