A nostalgia expert explains why reminiscing in groups is such a great unifier—at work and otherwise

August 31, 2019 at 02:00AM by CWC Which Baby-Sitters Club member do you think best describes you? Well, I’m blonde, wear all black, and feel a constant need to remind people I’m from New York…I’m, ugh, probably Stacey. The other day at the Well+Good office, staffers were feeling nostalgic about

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This post-natal workout is the perfect way for new moms to start working out again

August 30, 2019 at 09:31PM by CWC [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuFBZKpE7P8] When you’re a new mom, it can feel like a Sisyphean challenge to get to the gym between feedings, diaper changing, and bottle cleanings (repeat ad nauseam). But this workout, care of fitness trainer Rahel Ghebremichael, can be done in your

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The most common thing people in therapy discuss about their parents, according to therapists

August 30, 2019 at 02:00PM by CWC The Netflix film Otherhood follows three empty-nester mothers (played by Felicity Huffman, Angela Bassett, and Patricia Arquette), who decide to invade the lives of their neglectful grown sons under the guise of being helpful. The ill-fated plan of the overbearing parents eventually leads

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The most common thing people in therapy discuss about their parents, according to therapists

August 30, 2019 at 02:00PM by CWC The Netflix film Otherhood follows three empty-nester mothers (played by Felicity Huffman, Angela Bassett, and Patricia Arquette), who decide to invade the lives of their neglectful grown sons under the guise of being helpful. The ill-fated plan of the overbearing parents eventually leads

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An artificial intelligence running coach helped me run farther and faster

August 30, 2019 at 01:44PM by CWC [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RF6_uKiOI0] When I used to envision the future as a young child, I pictured hovering cars, very advanced, Jetsons-style robots, and lots of artificial intelligence action. So when news of an artificial intelligence-based fitness app came across our desks at Well+Good, senior

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An artificial intelligence running coach helped me run farther and faster

August 30, 2019 at 01:44PM by CWC [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RF6_uKiOI0] When I used to envision the future as a young child, I pictured hovering cars, very advanced, Jetsons-style robots, and lots of artificial intelligence action. So when news of an artificial intelligence-based fitness app came across our desks at Well+Good, senior

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Generations have been pitted against one another for all of history, but it’s high time we learn to talk to each other

August 29, 2019 at 11:08PM by CWC Twice a week, I head to class with a cohort of graduate-level fiction students ranging from age 23 (that’s me!) up into the 80s. Most of the time, we talk about each other’s work with thoughtful compassion. Most of the time. Sometimes, powerfully-rendered

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