Diary of Daisy: My Journey to Motherhood Sunday, 22nd September

Diary of Daisy: My Journey to Motherhood Sunday, 22nd September

The weekend has come to an end, and while part of me is sad to leave our peaceful escape, I feel refreshed and ready for a new week. I’m entering this next cycle with renewed hope 🌼. There’s a sense of calm that I haven’t felt in a while, like I’m no longer rushing or pushing for things to happen faster. I know that every month is a new opportunity, and whether it happens next cycle or the one after, I will keep going.

I’ve set some new intentions for the week ahead. First, I want to focus on being kind to myself. No more negative self-talk or feeling like I’m failing just because things aren’t happening as quickly as I want. Second, I’m going to prioritise stress management – more walks, more yoga, more deep breathing 🧘‍♀️. I’ve realised how much stress can affect my mindset, and I want to let go of the tension.

As I end this diary entry, I’m feeling optimistic. Yes, there’s disappointment in not being pregnant yet, but there’s also a quiet confidence that it will happen when the time is right. Until then, I’ll keep nurturing my body, my mind, and my spirit. Motherhood is a journey, and I’m learning to appreciate every step. 💖