Diary of Daisy: My Journey to Motherhood Monday, 23rd September – Sunday, 29th September

Diary of Daisy: My Journey to Motherhood Monday, 23rd September – Sunday, 29th September

Monday, 23rd September
It’s the start of a new week, and I’m feeling surprisingly calm. I’ve decided to start practicing mindfulness daily – even just 10 minutes in the morning to set my intentions and clear my head before diving into work. This morning, I sat quietly with my tea, eyes closed, breathing deeply. It helped me center myself and release some of the lingering disappointment from last week 🌱.

Work was busy, but I made sure to take breaks, even stepping outside for a few minutes of fresh air. After work, I checked in on the fertility support group I joined last week. It’s been really heartwarming to read other women’s stories – some similar to mine, others further along in their journey. It helps remind me that I’m not alone, and there’s strength in sharing.

My husband suggested we plan something fun for next weekend – a little day trip to a nearby town. We haven’t done something spontaneous like that in a while, so I’m looking forward to it. Keeping things light and fun is helping us stay connected through this process. 😊

Tuesday, 24th September
Today felt productive. I started the day with a short workout – just 20 minutes of yoga and stretching, but it made such a difference in how I felt all day 🧘‍♀️. I’ve realised that keeping my body active, even in small ways, helps me feel more empowered during this journey.

At work, I focused on a big project that kept me engaged all day. It felt good to immerse myself in something other than baby planning. During my lunch break, I took a stroll and listened to an uplifting podcast on resilience. It reminded me that setbacks are just part of the process, and resilience is about moving forward, even when things don’t go as planned.

Kate Spade Autumn/Winter Sale

In the evening, my husband and I cooked dinner together again. It’s becoming a routine that I really enjoy – cooking and chatting about our day. We talked about future travel plans, and it felt good to shift the focus away from trying to conceive for a while. Life goes on, and I’m learning to find joy in the present moment. 🌸

Wednesday, 25th September
I woke up with a renewed sense of determination today. I’ve decided to see a fertility specialist next week. I’ve been doing all the right things – eating healthy, tracking my cycles, taking supplements – but I think it’s time to get a bit more proactive. My husband supports the idea, and we agreed it’s a good step forward, even if it’s just for peace of mind.

At work, I had a really productive meeting that left me feeling accomplished. It’s nice to have something else to focus on, and I’m making a conscious effort to celebrate small wins. 🎉

In the evening, I went to a yoga class and felt completely relaxed by the end of it. The instructor talked about the importance of self-compassion, which struck a chord with me. I’ve been so focused on what I haven’t achieved yet, but I need to remind myself that I’m doing my best. I’m on this journey with love and patience for myself. 💕

Thursday, 26th September
I had an emotional moment this morning. I don’t know what triggered it, but the tears just came. I think I’ve been holding in so much, trying to stay strong, that it finally caught up with me. I cried for a while, and my husband held me, reminding me that it’s okay to feel everything – the sadness, the frustration, the hope. Sometimes you need a release 🌧️.

Once I let it out, I felt a bit lighter. I spent the afternoon doing some self-care – a face mask, listening to calming music, and just letting myself relax. I didn’t try to push through the emotions, I just let them be.

By evening, I felt calmer. We decided to watch a funny movie to lift our spirits, and it did the trick. Laughter is such good medicine. It reminded me that despite the ups and downs, we’re still here, moving forward, and finding moments of joy along the way. 🌈

Friday, 27th September
Today felt like a fresh start. I think the emotional release yesterday helped me reset. I went into work feeling much more at peace, and I even took the initiative to start a new project that I’ve been thinking about for a while. Keeping my mind busy with new ideas helps me stay positive.

During my lunch break, I bought some new books about fertility and well-being. I want to stay informed, but I also want to focus on things that bring me peace, not stress. 📚 I’m learning that balance is key – staying informed, but not obsessing.

In the evening, we met up with some friends for dinner. It was so nice to catch up and just enjoy each other’s company. For a few hours, I wasn’t thinking about babies or cycles – just laughing and having fun. It was a reminder that life is full of so many beautiful moments, even in the waiting. 🌻

Saturday, 28th September
Today was our little day trip, and it was perfect! We drove to a nearby town we hadn’t explored before, and it felt like a mini adventure. We walked through local markets, had lunch at a quaint café, and just wandered through the streets, taking it all in 🌳.

It was so refreshing to have a day completely free of any worries or stress. We talked about all kinds of things – travel plans, future projects, even silly things like what type of dog we’d get one day 🐕. It reminded me how important it is to have these carefree moments, especially when life feels heavy.

We came home feeling relaxed and happy. I think this day was exactly what we both needed. It’s nice to step out of the routine sometimes and just be. 🦋

Sunday, 29th September
A quiet Sunday at home today. We spent the morning being lazy, sipping coffee and reading. I love slow mornings like this, where there’s no rush, and we can just take our time ☕.

I took some time in the afternoon to journal about the past week. Writing everything down helps me process my emotions. This week had its highs and lows, but I’m proud of how I handled it. I’m learning to be more patient with myself and to trust that our time will come.

In the evening, we did some meal prep for the week ahead, focusing on healthy, nourishing meals. I’m still committed to making small changes that support my body and my well-being. As I end the week, I’m feeling hopeful again. 🌼