November 22, 2021 at 05:00PM
Even the most fashion savvy haven’t tried every outfit combo in the book, but those itching to try their hands at a few new style tricks will find that the holiday season sets up the perfect occasion. For starters, you probably have more than one event providing you an excuse to get dressed up, and over-the-top outfits are often expected. Why not take this time to test out experimental garment pairings you may not try on just your average Friday night?
If you look to a few street style mavens as inspiration, you’ll find that the options are virtually endless, and plenty of looks can likely be created with items you already have in your closet. Whether you’re headed to a grand gala, a large family gathering, or an intimate night in with friends, here are a few unexpected holiday outfit ideas everyone else will wish they’d thought of.
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Author Jamila Stewart |
Selected by CWC