The Matthew Hussey Method: Text Him This After a Flaky Move #relationshipadvice #datingtips

The Matthew Hussey Method: Text Him This After a Flaky Move #relationshipadvice #datingtips

The Matthew Hussey Method: Text Him This After a Flaky Move

Navigating the world of modern dating can be a daunting task, especially when faced with flaky behavior from a potential romantic interest. Fortunately, relationship expert Matthew Hussey offers valuable insights and strategies to help individuals navigate these tricky situations with confidence and grace. In this article, we’ll explore Hussey’s advice on how to respond to a flaky move and maintain your self-respect while keeping the lines of communication open.

Understanding Flaky Behavior:

Flakiness in dating can take many forms, from cancelled plans and unanswered messages to inconsistent communication and mixed signals. While it’s natural to feel frustrated or disappointed when faced with flaky behavior, it’s essential to approach the situation with empathy and understanding. Recognize that flakiness often stems from uncertainty, fear, or conflicting priorities, rather than a deliberate attempt to hurt or disrespect you.

The Power of Assertive Communication:

According to Hussey, the key to addressing flakiness is through assertive communication. Instead of resorting to passive-aggressive or confrontational tactics, express your feelings and expectations calmly and directly. For example, if your date cancels plans last minute, you might say, “Hey, I understand that things come up, but I value honesty and reliability in a relationship. Let’s find a time that works better for both of us.”

Setting Boundaries and Expectations:

It’s important to set clear boundaries and expectations early on in the dating process. Let your romantic interest know what you’re looking for in a relationship and what behaviors are unacceptable to you. By establishing mutual respect and understanding from the start, you can minimize the likelihood of encountering flaky behavior later on.

Maintaining Self-Respect:

Above all, remember to prioritize your self-respect and well-being. If someone’s flaky behavior becomes a pattern or makes you feel undervalued, it may be a sign that they’re not the right fit for you. Don’t be afraid to walk away from a situation that no longer serves you and invest your time and energy in relationships that are built on mutual trust, respect, and reliability.


While dealing with flaky behavior in dating can be challenging, the Matthew Hussey method offers practical strategies for responding with confidence and self-respect. By practicing assertive communication, setting clear boundaries, and prioritizing your well-being, you can navigate the ups and downs of modern dating with grace and resilience. Remember that you deserve to be treated with honesty, reliability, and respect in all your relationships, and don’t settle for anything less.

The Matthew Hussey Method: Text Him This After a Flaky Move #relationshipadvice #datingtips
