One-Pot Lasagna Pasta 🍲🍝

Whip up a comforting and hearty meal with minimal cleanup using this one-pot lasagna pasta recipe. It’s a perfect blend of convenience and deliciousness, combining the flavors of traditional lasagna in a single pot.


1. 🛒 Ingredient Checklist

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Gather lasagna noodles, ground beef, marinara sauce, ricotta, mozzarella, and Parmesan cheeses, along with herbs and spices. Fresh ingredients make all the difference!

2. 🥘 Cooking the Ground Beef

Start by browning the ground beef in your pot. Season it well to lay the foundation for a flavorful dish.

3. 🍝 Layering the Lasagna Noodles

Break the lasagna noodles into smaller pieces and layer them over the cooked beef. This unconventional approach saves time and space.

4. 🌿 Adding Herbs for Flavor

Season the dish with basil, oregano, and garlic for that classic lasagna taste.

5. 🧀 Cheese, Please!

Dollop generous spoonfuls of ricotta, and sprinkle mozzarella and Parmesan over the noodles. The cheese will melt into gooey deliciousness as the dish cooks.

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6. 🍅 Pour in the Marinara Sauce

Cover everything with marinara sauce and a bit of water. The liquid helps cook the noodles and melds the flavors together.

7. 🥄 Simmering to Perfection

Let the pot simmer until the noodles are tender and the flavors have combined into a delightful lasagna-like pasta.


8. 🍽️ Serving Suggestions

Serve this hearty dish with a side salad or garlic bread. It’s a complete meal in one pot!

9. 🌟 Add Your Personal Touch

Feel free to customize with vegetables, different cheeses, or a sprinkle of chili flakes for some heat.

10. 🍴 Dig In and Enjoy

Gather around the table and enjoy this simple yet satisfying one-pot lasagna pasta, perfect for busy weeknights or a cozy family dinner.


One-Pot Lasagna Pasta 🍲🍝