4 Tips for Staying Healthy This Festive Season

4 Tips for Staying Healthy This Festive Season

4 Tips for Staying Healthy This Festive Season

November 17, 2020 at 07:00PM

Hi angels,

This holiday season will look a little different for a lot of us, but we all deserve to let our hair down and make the most of the holidays and enjoy ourselves! These tips below will help you navigate whatever you’re planning so you can stay healthy, happy and energised over the break and into the new year.ย 

1. Drink plenty of water.

Water is particularly important during this time when we tend to drink a little more alcohol and eat a bit more than normal. Staying hydrated is important for the physiological functions of the liver, can help the liver to naturally detoxify, and rehydrates us after drinking too. Water helps you to feel fresh and energised! Aim for around 2-2.5L per day if you can.

2. Focus on including protein.

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Prioritising protein-rich foods means you’ll feel more satiated, energised and better able to enjoy yummy foods in moderation! You’ll also be more in tune with when you feel full and hungry versus if you’d started with sugar-filled foods!

I recommend enjoying a protein-rich breakfast to start each day and to enjoy a protein-rich snack before any event – things like the JSHealth Power Protein Smoothie, Greek yoghurt with nuts or boiled eggs are great snack options!

3. Prioritise sleep.

Often when we’re enjoying the holidays our sleep schedule can get a little out of whack. We tend to stay out later, and fall out of our regular routine. It’s important to try to continue to make time for a good quality sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours per night, depending on what works best for you.

If you find you’re struggling to get to sleep, due to a busy or restless mind, my PM + formula can really help you feel calm, relaxed and promote a beautiful night’s sleep if you need some extra support! You may also like to incorporate a nourishing nighttime routine. Enjoy putting your legs up against the wall for 10-15 minutes, listening to relaxing music, reading or having a bubble bath.

4. Don’t forget your vegetables!

Vegetables are high in fibre, so are great for digestion and gut health, and they really do keep you feeling your best. Try to include a variety of colourful vegetables, so you’re consuming plenty of different vitamins and minerals daily – your body will love you for it! Next grocery haul, how about adding a new vegetable to your basket that you wouldn’t usually cook with? You may have a new found love for a delicious veggie!


and remember to enjoy a well deserved break lovelies!

The post 4 Tips for Staying Healthy This Festive Season appeared first on JSHealth.

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Author jessicasepel | JessicaSepel
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