January 28, 2020 at 11:00PM by CWC
Oat, coconut, almond, oh my! Find out which non-dairy milk is an RD favorite here.
Nothing has gone from zero to hero quite like the explosion of alternative milks. Five years ago, if you were vegan or lactose intolerant, your choices were pretty slim. Fast forward to 2020 where the bigger question is, what can’t you milk? While having more options is definitely a positive, the amount of choices can be overwhelming. Thankfully, registered dietitian Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, RD, has some helpful advice on how to choose the healthiest milk substitute, which she shares in the latest episode of You Versus Food.
“With an increase in both dietary and allergy concerns, people are relying on alternatives to cow’s milk more and more,” Beckerman says. In the video, Beckerman compares five of the most popular alt-milks (almond, oat, coconut, rice, and soy) to each other and also to cow’s milk.
One of the OG milk alternatives is soy milk.ย “Nutritionally speaking, soy milk is the best plant-based milk because it contains as much protein as cow’s milk, but is low in calories,” Beckerman says. But she also adds that too much soy can negatively effect the thyroid.
Then of course, you can’t talk about alt-milk without mentioning current queen bee oat milk. “Like whole oats, oat milk can provide energy and strengthen bones,” Beckerman says, adding that it’s also high in fiber and protein. Seems pretty legit right?
Well, hate to break it to you, but oat milk certainly isn’t without its faults. Watch the video above for more info on the five most popular alternative milks and to see which one Beckerman crowns her personal favorite. Milk that info for all its worth.
For more dietitian-backed advice, here’s the verdict on if swigging apple cider vinegar is actually good for you and what to eat if your number one wellness goal is lowering inflammation.
Author Emily Laurence | Well and Good
Selected by CWC