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This Valentine’s week, the universe wants you to prioritize a certain type of love

February 09, 2020 at 10:00PM by CWC

Coming off the full snow moon in Leo, which perfected early Sunday morning, this week begins at a high point. The Leo full moon, albeit a bit dramatic, invites you to unleash your prowess for passion. While perhaps not the best for deep and restful sleep (hello, full-moon hangover), Leo, a sign ruled by the sun, asks for a fortuitous commitment to owning your identity and desires. Be sure to take advantage of this provocation early in the week because as we come into the weekend ahead, we prepare for a downshift in energy come with Mercury going retrograde.

To support you with this, on Monday, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, now in Aries, meets up with Chiron, the wounded healer. This Venus Chiron conjunction in the cardinal fire sign of Aries further aids any healing needed at the moment. While it could come with a side of feeling like not enough, the invitation remains for you to step away from your ego and tune into the deepest desires of your soul. Remember, meditation helps immensely as it reconnects you to your inner truth, and the ability to see beyond limited thinking.

High-impact movement is also adept at this. After all, Venus in Aries commands a fast-paced tempo, and as she conjoins Chiron, you may feel compelled to express yourself physically. If so, lean into that feeling. Dance cardio, running, cycling, or any other modality of movement that catalyzes catharsis in the body will help move you through your feelings.

With Valentine’s Day happening on Friday, our attention turns to romantic love. But the notion that someone else’s love can replace the need for self-love can be damaging.

The highest essence of the Venus Chiron conjunction in the sign of the ram is to ignite the power of self-love, and with Valentine’s Day happening on Friday, our attention turns to romantic love. It’s especially important to acknowledge how sensitive this holiday can feel for so many: Whether you find yourself in an ideal romantic situation or not, the notion that someone else’s love can replace the need for self-love is rampant this time of year, and if it’s accepted on a personal level, it can be damaging. So, hold steady to an understanding that while receiving love from others this is gratifying and happiness inducing, it’s most important to receive love from yourself.

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Speaking of self-love, in a week, we’ll come into the first Mercury retrograde of the new decade. Mercury stations retrograde February 16 until March 9. This retrograde journey begins in mutable water sign Pisces, which might feel a bit like an emotional ride. Pisces presents an opportunity to connect empathetically with others and understand that innate oneness we all share. Looking ahead to February 18, the sun will join Mercury in Pisces when she, too, will enter into the sign of the fish. With Pisces season right around the corner, a season whose signature remains deep feeling, keep the powers of self-compassion and self-love at top of mind.

Personal development expert and chronic illness advocate Nitika Chopra explains self-love as being more committed to your happiness than your suffering. With that in mind, what can you do this week to amplify your pleasure and disrupt your pain? What you need to provide yourself the circumstances for your happiness to blossom, now and through the Mercury retrograde? Come next week, you’ll be so happy you did the work to introspect ahead of time.

Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success. 


Author Jennifer racioppi | Well and Good
Selected by CWC
