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This 4-move series is proof you can get a full-body workout in 10 minutes

January 27, 2020 at 12:00PM by CWC


If I had a dollar for every excuse I’ve ever come up with for getting out of going to the gym, I’d be a rich woman. This time of year, they run the gamut from “it’s too cold” to “it’s too dark” to “I just don’t feel like it.” But thanks to this week’s Trainer of the Month Club workout, which you can do at home with absolutely zero equipment, it makes it harder to not to get a sweat sesh in on any given day. (I know. I’m sorry.)

In this 10-minute series, Body by Simone founder Simone de la Rue takes us through four moves that you can do anywhere, anytime… even on days when you don’t want to brave the cold air to make it to the gym. And even my favorite go-to for skipping at-home workouts—”Whoops! I don’t have any weights!”—is rendered obsolete, because all you need for this workout is your very own bodyweight.

You’ll do each move ten times, then repeat the series three times before moving on to the next one. Make sense? Follow along with de la Rue in the video above for a workout so quick and effective you won’t even want to be making excuses to get out of it.

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1. Walkout to shoulder tap: This is your warmup. Start standing, then walk your hands out in front of you onto the mat into plank position. Then, tap each hand to your opposite shoulder five times, and hold your plank for a beat when you’ve finished. Walk your hands back toward your feet and come to stand, then pulse down into a squat. Repeat a total of three times, resting in between sets.

2. Mountain climbers: Walk your hands out into a plank position and drive each knee toward your elbow for a total of 10 reps. When you’ve finished, hold your plank for a beat. Repeat for three sets, resting on your knees between sets.

3. Single leg hop, left: Starting in a reverse lunge with your left leg back behind you, jump up into an explosive movement on your right leg and pull your left leg toward your chest. Return back to your lunge and repeat rapidly for 10 reps to get your heart rate up. Repeat for a total of three sets, resting in between sets.

4. Single leg hop, right: Repeat the same movement on the other side for three sets of 10 reps.

5. Squat jump: Squat all the way back, and jump all the way up in the air (pro tip from La Rue: it helps to say “whee!” on the way up), keeping your kinetic chain in line. Do the move 10 times, then repeat the series for a total of three sets.

Want to kick your at-home workout up a notch? Try finishing things out with this “core four” abs series, or grab some resistance bands and light your back and arms on fire

Author Zoe Weiner | Well and Good
Selected by CWC
