How to be *fully satisfied* tonightā€”and every night

February 14, 2020 at 11:30PM by CWC Alisa Vittiā€”pioneer of female biohacking, Johns Hopkins alum, womenā€™s hormone health expert, and founder of the period-positive platform FLO Livingā€”is sharing more from her latest book, In the FLO. Itā€™s full of radical, groundbreaking information meant to help women understand and reconnect with

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658 women died from pregnancy-related causes in 2018. Most of them were Black

February 14, 2020 at 09:30PM by CWC Every year in the United States, nearly 700 women die of pregnancy-related complications. For every one of those deaths, approximately 100 more almost die. Maternal mortalityā€”death during pregnancy or within 42 days after deliveryā€”is the sixth most common cause of deathĀ among American women

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The worldā€™s oldest man is 112ā€”and his secret has nothing to do with diet or exercise

February 14, 2020 at 07:30PM by CWC Sometimes the quest for living a healthy life can distract from what’s most important: enjoying it. It’s a reminder that comes straight from the world’s oldest man, a spritely 112-year-old living in Niigata, Japan, named Chitetsu Watanabe. When asked about the secret to

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The most romantic day of the year is *not* February 14ā€”hereā€™s when to mark your calendar

February 14, 2020 at 06:30PM by CWC If your Valentine’s Day is likely to end like mineā€”on the couch in stretchy pants, watching Netflix while eating Thai takeoutā€”you may be relieved to know that, astrologically speaking, February 14 is not the most romantic day of the year. Indeed intuitive astrologer

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Thousands of Americans are stuck in toxic jobs and marriages just to keep their health insurance

February 14, 2020 at 02:30PM by CWC Of all the factors to consider before making a life-altering decisionā€”like starting a business or ending a marriageā€”your future ability to get affordable medical care shouldn’t be one of them. But that’s exactly the case for many Americans today. As Medicare for All

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This high-protein, dietitian-approved dinner is full of gut-healthy benefits

February 14, 2020 at 02:00PM by CWC After-dinner hunger may sound like an oxymoron, but it’s definitely a Thing. Sometimes, no matter how delicious a meal tastes, it just isn’t all that filling.Ā  The major reason it happens: not enough protein. Healthy eating experts preach about the importance of a

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3 dating tips thatā€™ll turn your anxious attachment style into a romantic superpower

February 14, 2020 at 01:00PM by CWC The day after I started reading Attachedā€”a deep-dive analysis into how people with different attachment styles approach relationshipsā€”my Co-Star app served me an on-the-nose horoscope that I’d start reading a book that would ultimately change my life. And while Co-Star’s predictions for me

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5 of the most common mistakes people make when doing a tricep push-up

February 14, 2020 at 12:00PM by CWC [youtube] No move is more OG or has more cred than the push-up. It’s the punishment of choice for boot camps, Pilates classes, yoga flows, HIIT classes, and the list goes on forever. That’s probably because there are endless variationsā€”from the dive

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This Well+Good designer turned her living room into a personal Zen denā€”hereā€™s how you can do it, too

February 14, 2020 at 10:00AM by CWC The living room is the space in your home literally designed for kicking back. But since it’s also the room where the majority of your at-home life happens (hence the name), it can be tough to strike a balance between can-easily-entertain and this-is-my-wind-down-zoneā€”especially

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5 easy ways couples are incorporating sustainability into their weddings

February 14, 2020 at 02:00AM by CWC Weddings are all about loveā€”the love between you and your partner, and the love of two families coming together. Now, more and more couples are incorporating their love of the planet into their nuptials. The Knot just released findings from their 2019 Real

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These matcha Rice Krispies Treats are perfect for Valentineā€™sā€”or any day

February 13, 2020 at 09:00PM by CWC It’s not easy to improve upon the simple pleasures of a Rice Krispies Treat, but leave it to Well+Good Council member Candice Kumai to tweak the recipe into something even more delightful. Below, her version of the iconic dessert brings in coconut oil,

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Iā€™ve tried $10,000 worth of serums, and this is the one that Iā€™m sticking with for life

February 13, 2020 at 08:00PM by CWC If your beauty routine were the Super Bowl, serums would be J.Lo’s halftime performance, which worked to make watching the nearly four-hour affair worth your time. They’re the workhorse with the active ingredients that trulyĀ transform your complexion for the better, more than any

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The fertility ā€˜information gapā€™ is keeping LGBTQ+ people from getting the care they need and deserve

February 13, 2020 at 03:00PM by CWC Thirty-three percent of U.S. adults have either used fertility treatments or know someone who has, reports Pew Research Center. But if you’re a member of the LGBTQ+ community, the process of seeking medical help for pregnancyā€”which is hard regardlessā€”becomes exponentially more challenging. Mere

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