I do hundreds of yoga classes a year, but none has lit up my arms like this 10-minute flow

January 23, 2020 at 12:00PM by CWC [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYS8bWyvczU] Anyone who’s tried to execute crow pose (a Cirque du Soleil-worthy arm balance) knows that yoga demands a lot—I repeat, a lot—of arm strength. Even Vinyasa staples like downward-facing dog can light up your body from your fingertips to your armpits. So

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Yes, organic food has pesticides—but that shouldn’t scare you off of veggies

January 23, 2020 at 12:00AM by CWC True or false: Organic produce is always grown without pesticides. If you answered true…sorry, but you’ve got it twisted. Surprising, right? The truth is that many organic farmers rely on pesticides and herbicides—substances used protect crops from insects, weeds, and infections—from a relatively

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A cardiologist says that you should start paying attention to *this* metric on your Apple Watch

January 22, 2020 at 11:26PM by CWC [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLWnmow8atw] “A wakeup call.” That’s what What the Wellness host Ella Dove dubbed her heart rate monitor in our latest episode. We called it in our 2020 trends: This year, more than ever before, your health will be in the palm of

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This plant-based food pyramid will help you build the ultimate healthy, sustainable diet

January 22, 2020 at 01:00PM by CWC It’s a beautiful fact that when you eat a primarily plant-based diet, you’re benefiting both your body and the planet. (And your wallet too; plant-based foods tend to be inexpensive.) But if you’re new to the whole plant-based eating thing, chances are that

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If you have dry skin, a derm says these are the only products to use in the shower

January 22, 2020 at 01:00AM by CWC These so-cold-your-face-is-numb temps aren’t too kind to your skin. But considering winter isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, your dry-skin checklist is still very much a necessity. Because truckloads of moisturizer alone isn’t going to cut it, there’s one more thing you should be

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This formula for sheet-pan veggies 4 ways promises you’ll never get bored with your dinner

January 21, 2020 at 06:00PM by CWC It’s important to incorporate veggies into every meal, but making it a reality isn’t always that easy. Salads and stir-fries get boring and repetitive after a while. Good for you? Sure. Exciting? Not always. But with the right veggie recipes for dinner, you

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Auriculotherapy gives you the benefits of acupuncture, but while you’re on the go

January 21, 2020 at 04:00PM by CWC Riddle me this: What keeps a scaredy-cat away from acupuncture and getting a second piercing in their earlobe? Yes, that’s easy: needles. And, yes: I’m that scaredy-cat. While I completely understand, rationally, that acupuncture doesn’t actually hurt and the nice people at piercing

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Eating more sustainably can be easy—if you follow these RD-approved tips

January 21, 2020 at 02:16PM by CWC [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzCLgB18w2Q] You’ve committed to using reusable tote bags and sworn off plastic straws, but now that you’re trying to make what you actually put on your plate more sustainable, you’re struggling. Sure, you’ve heard that giving up meat can do some serious

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