Here’s what happens when you simplify your skin-care routine for 28 days

Here’s what happens when you simplify your skin-care routine for 28 days

September 18, 2019 at 09:42PM by CWC

Few things in life are guaranteed, but hitting that stage when you feel like you should start paying closer attention to your skin’s needs in the name of #adulting—but having no clue where to begin—is one of them.

If you’re in that transitional phase, the good news is it doesn’t have to be all that complicated. The trick is nixing the more-is-more approach, and finding the right natural products that support your specific skin needs, no matter what your age.

Well+Good’s marketing director Jessica Pickens recently put that method to the test, and culled down her super-complex skin-care routine from six products to just three (thanks to Weleda’s new Skin Care Profiler quiz) in an effort to support her sensitive skin over time.

Kate Spade Autumn/Winter Sale

“I do suffer from some red spots and some blotchiness, so it’s really important that all the products I use are for sensitive skin,” Pickens says. “And also [that I] make sure that they’re super moisturizing to help me prevent the first signs of fine lines and deep wrinkles.”

Pickens used her three Weleda products (filled with nourishing botanical ingredients like gentle almond oil and line-blurring evening primrose) for all 28 days of the Weleda Beauty Bloom challenge to see how her skin reacted to a more natural approach. Her results? You’ll have to watch the video to see, but by day seven she was already getting compliments from French women. Merci.

Watch the video above to see how her healthy-glow-boosting skin-care challenge turned out, and shop her Weleda products below.

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