October Journal Prompts

October Journal Prompts

October Journal Prompts

October 01, 2020 at 10:00AM

October Journal Prompts

This year just keeps chugging by. I’m starting to wonder if 2021 will feel like a fresh start or if it will just be a continuation of 2020. We’ll see I guess! This month, I wanted to focus on perspective shifts. Some pretty major life events have been happening in our and my life recently, including a pandemic, wildfires and an ectopic pregnancy that resulted in emergency surgery. Needless to say, I have had some perspective shifts about life and truly feel like a new person. I know I’m not alone in this so I wanted to dedicate this month’s journal prompts to perspective and what we can learn as our mind shifts and turns. October Journal Prompts for Perspective 1. Reflect on an event in the past year has led to a big perspective shift. 2. Do you still hold that perspective today? What has shifted? 3. What are the “little things” nagging at you today? 4. What impacts your day-to-day the most? 5. How can you reframe your mindset as soon as the day starts? 6. What is a grounding ritual for you? 7. In what ways can you remember the big perspective shifts in your daily life? […]

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Author Davida Lederle | HealthyMaven
Selected by CWC