Rita Ora Workout Routine and Diet Plan [2020]

Rita Ora Workout Routine and Diet Plan [2020]

May 25, 2020 at 01:26PM

Rita Ora Workout Routine and Diet Plan: Rita Ora is a singer and songwriter who has done many famous albums and singles till now, although she is mostly known for keeping up her incredible body physique. So if you also want to learn about the Rita Ora workout routine and diet plan, I got you covered.

Rita Ora Workout Routine and Diet Plan
Rita Ora Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Table of Contents

Rita Ora Body Stats

Height 1.66 meters
Weight 56 kg
Age 29 years
Breast 35 inch
Waist 25 inch
Hips 35 inch

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Rita Ora Workout Routine

The workout routine of Rita Ora contains doing a lot of things including cardio and weight training, Rita Ora also performs a lot, and that also helps her build the stamina and muscle definition. In her interview with Shape magazine, Rita Ora has deeply explained her workout routine, and that’s what we will look into today.

Rita Ora Workout

Rita Ora Workout

In that interview with Shape magazine, Rita Ora said the reason she started working out was to feel better about her body, not to get skinny. She also stated that most of the time, she also feels demotivated, and those times Rita Ora looks up to the pics of J-Lo and other celebrities and says, yeah, I want to look as good as they look.

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Rita Ora Exercise Includes:-


The cardio routine of Rita Ora involves doing a cardio circuit routine, which is a mixture of bodyweight exercises and sometimes even lightweight dumbbells to give you a full-body workout. In the interview, Rita Ora didn’t reveal the actual routine that Rita Ora follows.

So you can either try one from any YouTube video and if not, I will give you one that you can follow to get a Full-body cardio circuit routing. Make sure to do each exercise for 40 seconds and rest for 20 to 30 seconds after each workout.

  • Burpees
  • Four-count burpees
  • Running burpees
  • Squats
  • Squats jumps
  • Pike squats
  • Quick feet
  • Pushups
  • Side to side pushups
  • Wide pushups
  • Crunches
  • Tabletop crunches
  • High plank
  • High plank jacks
  • Leg raise

Weight Training of Rita Ora

For weight training Rita Ora said she focuses on her thighs and butts only, so we will do a work out that contains lower-body workout. Rita also stated in that interview that her favorite exercises to do are squats and other weight lifting exercises. Rita Ora doesn’t train her body with short rest periods; she said it’s better to do it at your own pace and the way you feel good.

Day 1  Rita Ora Workout

  • Squats
  • Front squats
  • Smith machine squats
  • Lunges
  • Walking lunges
  • Leg press
  • Calf raises

Day 2 Rita Ora Workout

  • Glutes kickbacks
  • Hip thruster
  • Deep squats
  • Hyperextension
  • Leg curls
  • Leg extension
  • Stiff-leg deadlift

Day 3 Rita Ora Workout

  • Back squats
  • Hack squats
  • Side split squats
  • Step up lunges with dumbbells
  • Crusty lunges
  • Wall bridge
  • Pulse squats

This is all about Rita Ora Workout Routine.

Also Read: Rihanna Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Rita Ora Diet Plan

Rita Ora has told her diet and said I could eat as long as I’m eating good things and working out. The food isn’t the problem and doesn’t make you fat; she also stated that she doesn’t consume any bread or sugar products, even rice, she doesn’t eat. Rita Ora mostly has vegetables and lean protein food for her breakfast and lunch, and she also drinks a lot of water.

Rita Ora Diet
Rita Ora Diet

Rita Ora Diet includes:-

Rita Ora Breakfast Meal

  • Two boiled eggs
  • Asparagus
  • Half a cup of muesli
  • Almond milk

Rita Ora Lunch Meal

  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Vegetables

Rita Ora Dinner Meal

  • Fish
  • Potato
  • Vegetables

This is all about Rita Ora Diet Plan.

Author ZingSid | Yogi
Selected by CWC