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Running in the rain is an inevitable part of training—here’s how to keep it comfy

September 13, 2019 at 02:30PM by CWC

I’ll use just about any excuse not to go for run: “The air quality isn’t great today.” “My allergies are acting up.” “My cats will miss me too much.”  So, I am definitely not one to lace up my trainers when the skies open up and let it rain; however, I recognize that not all humans are as motivationally-challenged as I am (and that goes double for those who have 20-milers penned on their calendars for the very near future). As fall and winter begin to bring their delightfully damp days, marathon training halts for no one. Because, you know: runner’s gotta run.

If you’re one of these said runners, I’d like to, at the very least, help keep you as comfortable as possible (in part because I need to engender favor with fit individuals who can help me survive the dystopian future; in part because running while feeling soppy can feel daunting). You’ll need some sort of a hat, a windbreaker, moisture-wicking lower-body clothing, and, of course, the right shoes. (P.S., running shoes are different than training shoes—did you know?)

Below I’ve compiled some options, including the official New Balance windbreaker of the TCS Marathon, which is making its internet debut today, that can help to keep you dry and moving forward. While temps are certainly about to dip, none of this gear is meant to keep you particularly warm (aside perhaps from the vest), so you can add layers and take layers away throughout your run, depending on what you need.

Shop ’em and then squirrel them away somewhere for a, well, rainy day—which you’ll helpfully be able to *sort of* predict.

“Running in the rain, I’m running in the rain…”

More of a stroller than a sprinter? Try one of these chic, sheer raincoats. Plus, here’s some cute headgear that will take you through all four seasons

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Author Erin Bunch | Well and Good
Selected by CWC