You want a healthy-looking tan, it’s cool, I get it. Trust me, I really do understand where you’re coming from. I also know that it’s probably not something you’re keen for everyone to know because admitting that you like spending time in the sun seems to have become a little taboo.
Beauty editors and skin experts far and wide are keen to promote the message that staying out of the sun at all costs is the best way to protect your skin from premature ageing and potentially dangerous skin conditions. However, providing you’re taking the necessary measures by applying a high-factor sun cream and not spending prolonged periods of time in direct sunlight, is wanting to spend some time in the heat of the sun something to be ashamed of?
The truth is, making sure that you are applying the correct sun cream in the correct way is absolutely crucial in ensuring sun safety. “From March to October, UV levels are at their highest. I would recommend applying sunscreen to any exposed skin 15 minutes before you head outdoors,” advises Consultant Dermatologist at Garnier, Dr Justine Kluk. “It is possible to burn, tan and sustain sun damage that increases your risks of skin cancer and premature ageing from just 15 minutes of casual sun exposure without the right protection.”
And this is where the issue lies. In reality, very few people do apply sun cream correctly, and thus expose themselves to damage. “Many people make the mistake of thinking that their makeup contains SPF so they don’t wear a separate sun protection product, but you should. Use a sunscreen as your final skincare step and apply makeup afterwards,” Dr Kluk recommends.
If you’re keen to start paying more attention to your suncare routine or if you simply can’t find the right formula for you, trust me when I say that putting the effort into getting your sun cream line up right will be worth it in the end. To make things a little easier, keep scrolling for the very best sun cream formulas for every need.
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