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The new moon is in Libra and has a message to deliver: You do you

September 29, 2019 at 11:00PM by CWC

In the aftermath of the recent new moon in Libra, now’s the time to take an in-depth look at your relationships and initiate new habits or commitments. That’s because this Libra moon, specifically, offers fertile soil to sow new seeds of growth through the beginning of the week.

One reason for this is atmospheric setting is the balance of life Libra season offers. It’s a time of the year when day and night briefly come into equal length with one another, inviting equanimity in our lives. As astrologer Rebecca Gordon teaches, the daytime energy correlates with our sense of productivity, responsibility, and action, while the nighttime correlates with our inner world of emotions, subconscious needs, and dreams. With the duration of both day and night in equal proportions this week, take time to find the balance between your outer world and your inner needs. Basically, be mindful of your overarching goals, priorities and relationships, but also, you do you because you need to nourish yourself.

Consider this: Is your ego and drive to succeed dominating your life? Is there space for the softer, more gentle voice of your subconscious and your emotions in your life? Take a moment to tune in and decipher whether one force is more prevalent than the other, and if this is the case, consider what you need to do to adjust.

With the duration of both day and night in equal proportions this week, take time to find the balance between your outer world and your inner needs.

Also, consider your interpersonal dynamic and whether there are changes you’d like to make in your relationship with family, friends, a significant other, or co-workers. Plant your seeds of desires and commit to your goals for this Libra moon. What hopes are you calling in? If you’re looking for partnership, pay close attention to who comes into your life now. The cosmos provide the perfect opportunity to nourish new connections in the wake of this new moon.

This week, the universe wants you to Kondo your life

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The sun forms an inconjunct to Uranus on Sunday, September 29. Simultaneously, Mercury in Libra opposes Eris, the goddess of discord. In plainer terms, this means you shouldn’t be afraid to shed or release that which you no longer need.

Consider throwing out the rules when it comes to what you hold yourself accountable for doing. Maybe a few outdated beliefs are taking up a lot of real estate in your brain rent-free, and you’re ready to release them. This becomes important to consider as Venus, who rules what we value, perfects her square to Pluto, who asks us to own our shadow.

In addition to this early-in-the-week square between Venus and Pluto, Venus also opposes Eris, the dwarf planet of feminine discord, meaning the archetypal feminine may feel provoked and ready for change—possibly aggressively so. Add to this that Pluto stations direct in the wee hours of the morning on Thursday, October 3, (Eastern) at 20 degrees of Capricorn, ending the retrograde journey it began on April 24 at 13 degrees. This station and subsequent forward movement align with what the rest of the cosmos suggest: It’s time to take steps in the direction of the life you most want to live.

The planets are shifting, but you don’t have to

On October 3, Mercury completes its stay in Libra and enters into deep-thinking Scorpio where it will remain for an extended time—until December 9—due to its upcoming retrograde that starts on Halloween. So, buckle up for the planet of communication to travel in in secretive Scorpio for more than two months.

And on Friday, October 4, Mars switches signs too, leaving fastidious Virgo for team-oriented Libra, where it’ll stay in until November 19. Mars in Libra brings a fierce focus on relationship development, as well as social justice. Carve out time for the people you most wish to nourish, as well as the causes you most care about.

With so much changing, it can feel challenging to uphold the promise of balance that this time of year brings. But remember, you can feel grounded and in alignment with yourself, even when the world around feels chaotic. Should your own life feel chaotic, too, let it. Accepting life exactly as it is and making small incremental changes toward your highest good is the most sustainable path to change.

Want more intel about moon meanings? Here are the basics on your moon sign, plus why you can thank the moon for your weekly case of the Mondays.

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Author Jennifer racioppi | Well and Good
Selected by CWC