September 16, 2019 at 12:00AM by CWC
With the harvest full moon behind us and the moon now in its waning phase, we approach the denouement of Virgo season. This week, the sun moves from 22 degrees of Virgo to 29 degrees (each sign only contains 30 degrees total). So, essentially we wrap up our experience with the sun in Virgo—and, consequently, summer as well. With the sun moving into Libra on September 23 and the autumnal equinox right around the corner, the cosmos invites you to enjoy this mutable moment of adjustment.
As the sun wanes back to balance this week, we find ourselves briefly in a moment of perfect equilibrium—with even parts of day and light.
As the sun wanes back to balance this week, we find ourselves briefly in a moment of perfect equilibrium—with even parts of day and light. Venus, the planet of love, and Mercury, the planet of communication, already made the journey into the sign of balance. Having left Virgo on Saturday, September 14, both planets find their way through Libra now.
Venus, the ruler of this judicious, value-driven sign—which works tirelessly to preserve beauty and harmony—does just fine in this domain of the zodiac. Mercury, now in its triplicity, does well here too. So, we can expect high-minded thinking, and echoes of balance to permeate the week.
While traveling in the early degrees of Libra, both Venus and Mercury will oppose Chiron in Aries. This cosmic event will help to illuminate healing messages up for integration. Immediately after they both oppose Chiron, they also form inconjuncts (or a quincunx) with Uranus too. This combination means that after the healing message is received, a quick adjustment, or pivot, could likely come into play. This pattern of healing message, which gives way to an immediate modification, defines the week Monday to Thursday. If you find yourself making a last-minute change, yell, “Plot twist!” Then integrate the lesson, and move on. It’s time.
Saturn is at a crossroads—and so are you
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Speaking of moving on, Saturn (the planet of karma and lessons) stations direct on Wednesday. Having traveled retrograde since April 29, this station heralds a critical moment. Since late April, you’ve likely been refining and going deeper into your soul’s purpose, refining your understanding of what Saturn most wants you to learn right now.
Since late April, what project, life lesson, relationship issue, work conundrum, health challenge, or goal have you been asked to commit to (and master)? Boil down the lesson for yourself, claiming what you’ve learned.
If you know your chart, consider where 13-20 degrees of Capricorn falls in your chart. Ask yourself how Saturn is helping you better understand what this part of your chart holds for you to learn. If that sort of personal chart knowledge isn’t accessible to you (and you don’t want to reach out to an astrologer to learn) consider what you’ve been refining in your life since Saturn stationed retrograde.
What project, life lesson, relationship issue, work conundrum, health challenge, or goal has Saturn asked you to commit to (and master) over the last few months? Boil down the lesson for yourself, claiming what you’ve learned.
With Mercury moving quickly in Libra, it soon squares Saturn—so over the next couple of days, the universe will make sure you digest this. Being proactive about distilling this learning aids the process.
There’s an astro-gastro connection this week
Speaking of digestion, with the sun at the last degrees of Virgo, play close attention to your bowel movements. Remember, having healthy poops helps your to properly detox and eliminate that which you no longer need. (It’s essential to having hormonal balance and counteracting the impact of estrogen dominance, an increasingly common problem.)
It’s vital to nourish yourself appropriately this time of year. Remember, you are not what you eat; you are what you digest.
Incorporate herbs and spices in your diet that help you to maintain regularity. It’s vital to nourish yourself appropriately this time of year. But remember, you are not what you eat; you are what you digest.
This attention to your body helps you to prepare for the waning light that accompanies fall. With the length of night growing and daylight waning, seasonal depression and vata imbalance (the Ayurvedic description of an out-of-balance dosha, or energetic signature) become more common. Consequently, so does constipation.
Consider adding ginger to your diet, incorporating the Ayurvedic supplement triphala, and/or taking 5-HTP before going to bed at night with a magnesium supplement. (Consult with a doctor before taking triphala or 5-HTP, of course—and if you’re already taking an antidepressant, avoid 5-HTP altogether because experts say it may lead to seratonin syndrome, whose symptoms range from tremors to hypertension.) The 5-HTP is said to help create serotonin, so taking it at night aids sleep—and believe it or not, sleep is super important to healthy digestion. Need a bit more self-care? Start giving yourself castor oil foot massages before bed with a dash of tea tree oil or lavender too. This evening ritual grounds you, also offsetting symptoms of vata imbalance.
Working to get great, deep sleep, and making sure your body feels relaxed helps you to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients, too. And since the daylight is waning, your serotonin naturally declines, too. Taking the extra steps to provide yourself what you need this time of year assures a much smoother seasonal transition.
Plus! Get ready for a jolt of (sexy) energy
When it comes to smooth, on Thursday, Mars, the planet of action which still travels in Virgo makes a power trine to Pluto in Capricorn. This combination might feel like blazing guns. If so, put your energy to good use. Ask for what you need. Make sure to have an orgasm or multiples. And, don’t forget to get your sweat on. Nothing supports you now (especially under these transits) better than exercise. So move your body and enjoy the power you feel!
On Friday, Jupiter and Neptune have their final square. This mutable square between these two titans of the sky has defined so much of 2019. Ask yourself what you’ve learned so far, and how you can grow even more.
Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success.Â
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Author Jennifer racioppi | Well and Good
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