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What the first new moon of the decade means for your big-picture goals

January 19, 2020 at 10:00PM by CWC

Over the last few weeks, we’ve experienced some of the most intense aspects that this generation will see. With the Saturn and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn happening opposite a lunar eclipse in Cancer, deep-seated issues likely surfaced, inviting you to devote some attention to handling past issues. The universe asks you to commit to what feels most urgent and pressing while commanding intimacy with yourself as you claim your sovereignty and integrity.

This focus on transformation will continue throughout 2020. Now, as the sun moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on Monday, January 20, the mood shifts into the broader thinking that air signs provide. While still fierce, the sun in Aquarius heralds a time when progressive ideas instigate evolution, and connection with like-minded people elevates possibility. Along with the shift from Capricorn into Aquarius, the sun joining Mercury in Aquarius expands the periphery of perceived potential.

Also happening on Monday is the moon moving through its balsamic phase, which invites you to release what you no longer need. As the moon wanes back to new, that invitation remains clear: Take time to digest how you’ve changed and continue to change. Develop a sense of coherence around who you are becoming, and actively seek to shed your commitment to the old. To support you with this, engage your tools of transformation: journaling, therapy, yoga, meditation, and contemplation of any kind can all help you.

But come mid-week, you’ll be challenged by tension building as a result of the sun in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus. Known as a fixed square, this mashup between the sun in Aquarius, and Aquarius’ ruling planet, Uranus, might activate righteousness, as opposed to the flexible open mind this week’s transits ask for. If you find yourself in a challenging dynamic, try not to dig your heels in. Instead, take a breath and a step back. Ask yourself, “How can I be more flexible? What’s the lesson I need to digest here? If I were to honor my integrity, what would I choose?”

The first new moon of 2020

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Any flare-up this week can serve as a setup for the new moon because conflict provokes clarity. Stepping into the first new moon of the new year with clarity helps. Happening on January 24 at 4:41 p.m. at 4 degrees of Aquarius, this new moon provides you with the opportunity to let your 2020 intentions gel and deepen. Given Uranus’ position at 2 degrees of Taurus, which, again, is a square to the sun and moon, this new moon provokes radical thinking.

The new moon in Aquarius provides the opportunity to go deeper for excavating your truth; however, understanding your truth remains only part of the equation. Committing to that truth is even more important.

Challenging the status quo (and your ego), this new moon in Aquarius provides you with the opportunity to go way deeper when it comes to excavating your truth; however, understanding your truth remains only one part of the equation. Committing to that truth is even more important. Yet, there is nuance that makes following this guidance hardly straightforward: Even with the sun and moon in an applying conjunction with Mercury in Aquarius, there’s no shortage of ideas, and your ego might not want to embrace new or different ways of perceiving your reality.  The new moon in Aquarius asks to see your challenges through different lenses and to not just develop compassion for yourself, but also for those in your life who trigger you.

Thankfully, Venus in Pisces makes her way to meet Neptune, softening the mood substantially. Both Venus and Neptune form a harmonious angle to Jupiter, amplifying positive potential. Mars, on the other hand, at 15 degrees of Sagittarius, puts on pressure, supporting you to embrace change. (Worth noting is that Mars makes a mutable square to the Venus-Neptune conjunction, because mutable squares enhance inherent flexibility and change.)

Perhaps the most subtle but potent aspect this new moon comes from Chiron. Chiron, the wounded healer, travels at 2 degrees of Aries and makes a sextile to this new moon at 4 degrees of Aquarius. Chiron in a fire sign, creating a harmonious aspect to this new moon in an air sign, amplifies your healing potential.

Aquarius is a sign that encourages big-picture thinking and an enhanced vision, and the waning moon traveling through its balsamic phase earlier in the week invites introspection and activation of desires. This is of note because it’s all happening while the Saturn-Pluto conjunction—which perfected on January 12—is still in full force. Cosmically speaking, this is not the time to drop the ball or tune out karmic lessons. Rather, it’s an activation point for you; the new moon in Aquarius invites you to clear the decks, start fresh, and commence the New Year, decade and lunar cycle aligned with your best thinking. So claim your intentions. Recommit to your vision. Embrace your authenticity.

Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success. 

Author Jennifer racioppi | Well and Good
Selected by CWC
