7 ways to heal your sacral chakra and get your creative juices flowing again

January 01, 2020 at 04:00PM by CWC

If you feel like you’ve lost your creative mojo, or perhaps have trouble expressing yourself, your sacral chakra might need some healing. But first, in case you need a little chakra refresher: “There are seven different major energy centers throughout the body, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head through which this energy can flow in and out in a constant stream,” says nutritionist and Reiki Master Serena Poon. “These energy centers are called chakras, Sanskrit for ‘wheel,’ and are essentially the link between our energetic and physical bodies and the universal life force energy that connects us environmentally and spiritually.”


The sacral chakra, also knowns as the second chakra, is located two inches below your belly button and is represented by the color orange. “This chakra governs your emotions, your creativity, sensitivity, sexuality, intimacy, emotional well-being, and self-expression,” Poon says. Each chakra, she adds, also vibrates at a particular frequency that impacts certain parts of the body. For the sacral, it’s the lymphatic and circulatory systems, reproductive organs, bladder, kidney, and large intestines.

So, really, what does it mean to heal your sacral chakra? Poon explains that it’s about clearing and cleansing that energy center and bringing it back into a state of balance. There are many things you can do to heal your chakras. There’s talking to them, for example, as well as wearing chakra-balancing jewelry, and if you want to get really woo-woo, you can even try rainbow crystal light therapy. Below, Poon shares some specific sacral chakra healing practices, plus symptoms to help you determine whether your sacral needs some healing.

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Symptoms of a blocked sacral chakra

There are many signs you can look out for. “When the sacral is out of balance, a person may experience feelings of fear, depression, manic or emotional instability, feeling overwhelmed, loss of imagination or creativity, sexual dysfunction, reproductive issues, and even addiction,” Poon says. “Other physical symptoms include pain and stiffness in the lower back and hips, sciatica, low back pain, urinary and kidney problems, constipation, and pelvic pain.” A balanced sacral, on the other hand, creates feelings of abundance, pleasure, creativity, joy, fulfillment, and overall wellness.

How to heal your sacral chakra

1. Acknowledge your sacral needs some love

The first step towards healing your sacral chakra is to simply acknowledge that your physical and energetic body needs support. “Support can come in the form of healing through reiki from a practitioner (or even yourself), or through other methods of energy healing,” Poon says.

2. Connect with water

The sacral chakra is connected to the element of water so nourishing your body, inside and out, with some H20 will do your sacral some good. Poon recommends keeping your body hydrated by drinking lots of it. You can even make it fancy and more sacral chakra-friendly by adding a couple of slices of orange. Taking a warm bath complete with orange essential oils or going swimming in a natural body of water will also help get your sacral buzzing again.

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3. Eat centering foods

When your sacral chakra feels out of whack, you may naturally find yourself craving centering foods which will help bring it back into balance. “These foods include nuts, seeds, sweet potato, carrots, melons, mangos, pumpkin, orange citrus fruits, butternut squash, fermented foods, and any other orange-colored foods,” Poon says. Add these to your grocery list, stat.

4. Get your creative juices flowing

The sacral chakra is all about creative expression, so it makes sense that tapping into your artistic side and doing something creative would help open up this energy center. The best part, Poon says, is there is no right or wrong way to do it. Creativity is completely personal. Just do what feels fun, whether that’s coloring, drawing, cooking, baking, gardening, or something else. Or, challenge yourself to do something you’ve never done before like trying a new dish or workout or learning about a new topic.


If you need some inspiration, you can even feed off of someone else’s creative energy. “Call someone who inspires you and ask them what they are working on that they are most excited about,” Poon says. “Their excitement and taking action can inspire you and spark your own creativity.”

5. Do some hip-opening movements

The sacral chakra is located right below your belly button so any hip-opening movements and poses will help get the energy flowing in that area. “You can do this by allowing your body to flow through dancing or dance-like movements, stretching your hips, and different yoga asanas or poses,” Poon says.

A few poses, in particular, that she recommends for aligning your sacral are the butterfly pose, cobra pose, seated torso circles, and the goddess pose. The goddess pose will especially help things flow. To do it, play some music and stand with your feet wide apart, knees bent, and toes pointed out. Start to sway keeping your lower body in this squat-like position. Say a sacral-supporting affirmation while you do this.

6. Practice the sacral chakra chant

Each chakra has a mantra that connects with it and that supports its healing. For the sacral chakra, Poon says, the mantra sound is vam. You can chant it as you’re doing the aforementioned hip-opening movements or poses or while sitting still during a meditation. Allow the vibration of the chanting to flow to your blocked sacral.

7. Bring in healing crystals

If you have a blocked chakra (be it your third eye chakrathroat chakra, or any of the others), try bringing in crystals. “Healing crystals that are perfect for the sacral chakra include amber, coral and orange calcite, citrine, orange aventurine, carnelian, and hematite,” Poon says. Place these on your sacral while you meditate or just carry them around with you throughout the day to soak up their good vibes.

Love astrology? Here’s how to balance your chakras based on your zodiac sign. Plus, the breakdown of all seven chakras.

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Author Jessica Estrada | Well and Good
Selected by CWC