How Fitness Changed In 2020 + 8 Fitness Trends To Expect In 2021

How Fitness Changed In 2020 + 8 Fitness Trends To Expect In 2021

How Fitness Changed In 2020 + 8 Fitness Trends To Expect In 2021

December 29, 2020 at 11:57PM

How Fitness Changed In 2020 + 8 Fitness Trends To Expect In 2021

Krissy Jones and Chloe Kernaghan are SkyTing yoga, one of NYC’s coolest yoga studios and hosts of the digital yoga platform, Sky Ting TV.

Unless you were already working out solo at home in 2019 or are one of those lone wolf runner types (which we can appreciate), you know personally just how much fitness has changed in 2020. Classes were cancelled, booking workouts around town on an app was not an option, and hot yoga was unthinkable. Some studios moved outdoors, while many big box gyms were forced to close their doors altogether for months at a time.

Two areas of the fitness industry thrived: digitally streaming workout programs and at-home fitness equipment. With all of us at home and keeping a safe distance, more of us worked out at home and that trend is nowhere near slowing down in the coming year.

We asked Krissy and Chloe to tell us what they think is up next in fitness after maneuvering through one of the wildest years in the fitness industry themselves…

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workouts will be Shorter & Sweeter  “We’re getting a lot of feedback that it’s difficult to do one hour classes online. Shorter, snackable classes are more accessible for people’s schedules and online attention spans.” – Krissy

fitness is becoming more inclusive “People who were once intimidated to join an in-person group yoga class can now learn online from the comfort of their homes. In this way, yoga is becoming more inclusive.” – Krissy

fitness is going Family style “We’re seeing a lot of people practicing with their parents, kids, and even grandparents! I think we’ll be seeing a lot more classes online geared towards the whole family.” – Krissy

Affordable Access becomes crucial “Online monthly subscriptions are much more affordable than the cost of brick and mortar studio classes (at least in NYC!). This means more people can access and commit to a regular practice.

“We’ve been playing with tiered pricing in our higher ticket items like trainings and courses to continue to make offerings more accessible. We hope to see this mindset across the board with wellness platforms.” – Chloe

restorative workouts are non-negotiable  “I think people are becoming smarter with their workout programs and realizing the value of adding restorative classes to their routines. I feel like rest and recovery classes will gain more popularity in 2021, like restorative yoga, breathwork, and foam rolling.” – Krissy

providing Structure “We’ve released a few “series” of classes geared around a theme and regularly see higher interaction and attendance those weeks. We think people are craving guidance in the online fitness world (maybe other streaming platforms’ suggested video option has trained our brains), and when you give them a plan for what they should do when, they’re more willing to commit!” – Chloe

fitness moves to Audio  “A lot of our students say they do not look at the screen when doing our classes, they simply listen to the audio. Screen fatigue is a real thing and we think wellness brands will be adapting their content to have an audio only option.” – Krissy

anti-anxiety fitness We’re getting a lot of requests for classes to battle anxiety. More people are starting regular meditation and breathwork practices, so we’ll be keeping this in mind as we build our library of classes in 2021” – Krissy

How has fitness changed for you in 2020? How do think you’ll be working out in 2021?

The post How Fitness Changed In 2020 + 8 Fitness Trends To Expect In 2021 appeared first on The Chalkboard.

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Author Suzanne Hall | ChalkBoardMag
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