A Metabolism-Boosting Smoothie (That Tastes Like Chocolate + Cherries)

A Metabolism-Boosting Smoothie (That Tastes Like Chocolate + Cherries)

A Metabolism-Boosting Smoothie (That Tastes Like Chocolate + Cherries)

July 24, 2020 at 10:35AM

A Metabolism-Boosting Smoothie (That Tastes Like Chocolate + Cherries)

How’s your metabolism lately? Perhaps you’ve found a new hobby in all the Instagram Live workouts happening right now, have become a proficient vegan home chef, and have channeled your chi into plenty of breathwork and meditation.

If you’ve been highly disciplined, we applaud you: your metabolism is likely humming away and you’re probably feeling fresh and energized.

But if, like so many of us during this long season of unique stresses, you’ve found your energy dipping — perhaps deviating from your normally healthy diet, enduring a few sleepless nights or feeling overly anxious — you’re certainly not alone. Stress can be a big energy suck and play a big role in our metabolic health.

Me·tab·o·lism /məˈtabəˌlizəm/: the chemical reactions that take place within each cell of a living organism to provide energy for vital processes and synthesize new organic material.

Kate Spade Autumn/Winter Sale

Reminder, our metabolisms do more than just help us to manage our weight, a balanced metabolism is also key for vibrant energy levels, sharp mental clarity, healthy nutrient absorption and good digestion.

We’ve been whipping up this smoothie recipe from the ladies at SAKARA made with their Metabolism Super Powder. A breakdown of the super powder’s ingredients will help you understand why the cacao and coconut milk-based potion is so useful right now and also teach you a bit about ingredients to watch for that will support your metabolism from day to day. If you’re feeling ambitious (or have the wellness pantry of our dreams), you could also gather these ingredient one-by-one on your own.

Celery Seed: Like the stalks, the seeds are a natural diuretic that can help to diminish bloating.

Gymnema Sylvestre: Gymnema is an Ayurvedic herb that helps to naturally regulate blood sugar and cortisol levels.

L-Glutamine: A key amino acid that can support healthy digestion, help sustain energy levels and moderate food cravings.

Fucoxanthin: An antioxidant found in Atlantic brown seaweed that has been shown to reduce body fat.

Black Pepper Piperine: An active compound that enhances healthy digestion, boosts the metabolism and can possibly lower inflammation.

Here’s how to use the powder in a simple daily smoothie…

The Chocolate Cherry Metabolism Smoothie

1/2 cup unsweetened nut milk
1/2 cup + a few extra frozen cherries
1/2 a medium banana, frozen
1 scoop or packet Metabolism Super Powder

Combine all ingredients but the extra cherries in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour your smoothie and top with frozen cherries. 

Looking to support overall gut health and get that skin glowing at the same time?
Read this interview with one of SAKARA’s founders. 

The post A Metabolism-Boosting Smoothie (That Tastes Like Chocolate + Cherries) appeared first on The Chalkboard.

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