August 14, 2019 at 10:23AM by CWC
After having survived what felt like the longest Mercury retrograde ever (not to mention the aftershocks of its lingering Mercury retroshade, we’re all due for some good vibes. And tomorrow, August 15, with the full sturgeon moon in Aquarius, that’s exactly what we can all expect to get. Despite this full moon’s decidedly unsexy name, the celestial period is all about following your heart and your passion.
“This full moon features the Leo-Aquarius axis, with themes of expressing yourself in the context of the larger community,” says intuitive astrologer and healer Rachel Lang. “It emphasizes following your heart (Leo) and letting your passion run through your veins, circulating momentum for innovative ideas or making a contribution to the world (Aquarius).”
Aquarius is inventive, and the full moon in this sign “encourages us to think way outside the box to solve any issues that come up in our lives,” Lang says. “Aquarius is also the sign of community and friendships; you could discover ways to become more involved.” And since the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Mars are all in Leo, Lang also prescribes having fun as a creative influence for inspiration. “You might decide to take a break and enjoy the day or gather a group of friends for a night out,” Lang says. And since Aquarius and Leo are fixed signs, it’s best to remain as flexible as possible to reap the benefits of the full sturgeon moon. “One of the best ways to do this is to lead with curiosity, rather than focusing on absolute rights and wrongs.”
Below, Lang breaks down what August’s full sturgeon moon means for each sign.
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“This could be quite a social time for you, and you could find yourself as the ringleader among your group of friends. Explore options if you’ve been thinking about getting more involved in the community or volunteering in some way. Something could open up for you. You could have more energy and enthusiasm; use it wisely! Romance is a definite highlight for you this full moon, and if you’re single, social engagements could lead to new connections.”
“This full moon emphasizes your career. With renewed focus on your long-term goals, you might need to find a balance between your professional and personal lives. You can sense a change on the horizon, but it could take time to manifest. Spend time decorating or designing your space to make it a nest. Your home can be a sanctuary. You may even finalize real estate transactions at this time.”
“This is a social time for you, and you might find yourself talking to strangers and meeting new friends. This full moon is favorable for marketing yourself in new ways or networking, as you have a way with words. Express yourself through writing—your ideas may feel inspired. Travel is a possibility for you, too. Avoid taking on too much at this time, or you could feel scattered or ungrounded.”
“This full moon illuminates your finances, and you could have a chance to pat yourself on the back for recent successes. If you have had financial challenges, you could discover a practical solution. For example, you may decide to refinance your home, liquidate an asset, or find some way to cut back on your spending. Think conservatively, and avoid big spending until you have a clearer picture of your finances as we move into 2020.”
“With several planets in your sign, this full moon is all about you. Step out on stage, steal the spotlight, and own your brilliance. Because so many planets are shining a light right on you (and it is your birthday season), you may feel pressure from others to tone it down. Try not to feel guilty or to consider your actions selfish if you’re prioritizing yourself. You ought to be your top priority right now, and because of that, you may have opportunities to work on issues like codependence in your relationships. Enjoy time with friends, relax, be playful, and spend time in the sun if you can. After all, with Leo vibes coursing through the atmosphere, this is your chance to recharge.”
“While others are out socializing, you could find yourself staying in this full moon. It’s an introspective time for you, and you might discover emotions or memories that have been buried in your subconscious. Bring them up to the surface, and let them clear away. Health matters, like detoxing, could also be top priority for you during this full moon. You might consider hosting a full moon ritual to release worry, self-doubt, and stress. Clear them out of your entire being, and welcome in peace, self-acceptance, and trust.”
“Your social life steals the spotlight for this full moon. Its influence encourages you to become more involved in your community or to find ways to make a difference. You might feel inspired to speak up for a cause. This full moon shines light on any fears you may have about disappointing or offending others. Because of this, you could feel a boost of courage to help you gracefully manage any confrontation or to stand up for yourself and others. If you feel motivated to create something, like a business plan or work of art, follow your heart’s lead.”
“The full sturgeon moon shines a light on your home life. You might hear from distant family members or have a chance to revisit postponed home repairs or projects. Take action if anything calls your attention. Professionally, you are looking toward new heights, and the Leo planets shining in your career sector spotlight opportunities for recognition. Nourish and nurture yourself, starting with your home, and then, the sky’s the limit.”
“With so many planets in Leo, a fellow fire sign, you might feel energized and ready for action. Do make time to get outside and enjoy being in nature. That’s your spiritual happy place, after all. In all conversations, remain open-minded. You may be tempted to hold tight to your opinion and stay firmly fixed to a position, but resist that urge. You may learn something that allows you to see things in a new way. Lead with curiosity. If travel plans arise, have an adventure! You are ready to explore new landscapes, mentally, physically, and spiritually.”
“Prioritize your finances this full moon, be wise in your spending, and think about your long-term economic goals. Take care of those details. Since the Leo vibe is so playful, try to not take yourself too seriously. In fact, you may not be exactly where you want to be, but that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate where you are and how far you’ve come. Pat yourself on the back to quell the voice of the inner critic.”
“This full moon is in your sign, and because of that, you could see new insights about your relationships. If you are single, especially, you may have growing awareness about how you can have a healthy, happy relationship while still having a sense of autonomy. With the Leo planets in your opposite sign, you could feel stretched in different directions by different people. Enjoy being with your special someone if you’re in a relationship. This could be an opportunity to have deep conversations that lead to a stronger relationship.”
“This full sturgeon moon shines a light on what might be hidden within you—what dreams have you not yet realized? This could be a moment of divine revelation. Take time to slow down and reflect on your life. Face your inner saboteur or any fears, doubts, or resistance you might have to change. Listen to your inner child, too, and find out what it really needs. Self-nurturing is a key theme for you. Realize that busy work might be a distraction from your emotional self. If you have social plans, of course, keep them. Just realize, there’s an undercurrent of spiritual and emotional awareness happening, and honor that process.”
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Selected by CWC