What’s The Deal with SpiceFruit? The Metabolism Supplement Getting So Much Buzz

What’s The Deal with SpiceFruit? The Metabolism Supplement Getting So Much Buzz

What’s The Deal with SpiceFruit? The Metabolism Supplement Getting So Much Buzz

June 11, 2021 at 04:23AM

What’s The Deal with SpiceFruit? The Metabolism Supplement Getting So Much Buzz

Wellness renegade Naomi Whittel has become a surprising new resource for us. Through Naomi, we’ve discovered a few of our new go-to supplements like berberine for blood sugar balance and her unique blend of resveratrol and turmeric for major anti-inflammatory benefits. Back in 2018, she was the first to talk to us about autophagy! 

Though we rarely talk about weight loss here on TCM, there are many for whom it plays a crucial role in their quest for vital health and healing. As long we properly define it — by true medical standards, not pop culture standards! — maintaining a healthy weight is key for energy, prevention and longevity. Meet the latest supplement from Naomi, an African superfruit  that’s poised for a major moment in the world of health and wellness this year — or maybe years from now, since it seems to take the mainstream quite a long time to catch on!   Here’s what you need to know…

My name is Naomi Whittel, and my passion is discovering and refining the healing power of nature’s immense bounty and making these solutions accessible – no matter where in the world that quest might take me.

From Alaska to Okinawa, from the south of France to the huts of the Guna People of Coastal Panama, my travels have led me to all corners of the Earth to uncover the purest, natural health-boosting nutrients.

Kate Spade Autumn/Winter Sale

naomi whittel in africa

Years ago, I helped popularize the use of Resveratrol extracts in the U.S. – making its healing properties readily available to millions of Americans. In fact, I’ve championed a number of supplement ingredients that now play an important role in so many people’s daily routines and it’s become one of the proudest achievements of my career.

That said, when I learned that participants in a recent study in Africa were healthily losing twenty pounds in eight weeks through the use of African SpiceFruit, I flew there myself to learn more. I took four flights over twenty hours to the West African nation of Cameroon and met the scientists face to face in order to thoroughly evaluate all the clinical data.

The Metabolic Study by Dr. Oben

I was incredibly impressed when I first read Dr. Julius Oben’s scientific papers. Participants in his 8-week scientific study – all overweight (but not obese) individuals with a body/mass index (BMI) of 25-30:*

+ Lost 19.6 pounds on average
+ Trimmed waist-size by 1.5 inches and hips by 1.7 inches
+ Reduced body fat by 5.3%

Naomi and Dr. Oben

What’s more, they achieved these remarkable results without changes to their diet or additional exercise.

All participants took a daily 300 mg standardized extract of West African SpiceFruit, a commonly used flavoring in all kinds of savory dishes in that part of the world that also helps to rev up metabolic function to melt away fat and excess weight.

I knew that if I could verify these results, it would be as big of a breakthrough ingredient as the recent popularization of Turmeric and its healing powers before it became widely known outside of India.

In Cameroon, I met Dr. Oben – Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Yaounde – who has studied metabolic health for 35 years and gave me total access to his clinical studies. We examined the raw data behind his groundbreaking study and were pleased to discover that his science was meticulous. For those who need to manage their weight to improve their health, SpiceFruit is incredibly compelling. His data showed that SpiceFruit:

+ Promotes weight loss
+ Slims your figure
+ Dramatically improves metabolic health and function without any change in diet or exercise.

The research conducted by Dr. Oben and team also showed dramatic improvements in blood sugar, plus improvements in these critical metabolic factors:*

✓ Bad LDL cholesterol dropped 13%

✓ Good HDL cholesterol rose 14%

✓ And harmful triglycerides sank 17%!

The West African SpiceFruit improves critical metabolic markers that promote healthy aging.

The French Paradox — in Cameroon?

Do you remember the “French Paradox”? That’s the term used to describe the dichotomy between the French diet – rich in butter, cheese, meat and other saturated fats – and the overall excellent heart and metabolic health of the French people.

I was a pioneer in identifying Resveratrol – found in France’s beloved red wine – as a protective factor in their diet. As I’ve mentioned, I helped popularize the use of Resveratrol extracts in the U.S. – making its healing properties readily available to millions of Americans.

So, I was intrigued when Dr. Oben suggested that there may also be a “Cameroonian Paradox”.

I’m a proponent of carb-limiting diets. That’s how I eat. I even authored the popular book High Fiber Keto. But the people of Cameroon eat a diet that’s high in carbohydrates – rich in starchy foods like rice, plantains, yams and potatoes.


While over 70% of American adults are overweight – or obese, only 30% of Cameroonians are overweight or obese — less than half the rate seen in the U.S.**

What’s more, the people of Cameroon also show much lower rates of metabolic risk factors including healthier levels of blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure as well.*

Dr. Oben’s theory – backed by his clinical research, which I independently validated – is that SpiceFruit, used heavily to flavor nearly every meal, holds the key to the Cameroonian Paradox.

On Weight Gain, Stress + Cortisol Levels

GloSlim also helps break the stress-weight gain connection. By now, everyone’s heard the term “stress eating” – and people’s complaints of packing on unwanted weight from being “stressed out”. The culprit?

Excess cortisol, commonly known as the “stress hormone”. Elevated cortisol levels are the key factor behind all the negative effects of stress, including weight gain.

As nutritional biochemist Shawn Talbot, PhD sums it up: “More stress = more cortisol = higher appetite for junk food = more belly fat”.*

What’s more, Dr. John Morton from Yale University takes this harmful stress-weight gain cycle a step further: “You can put on 30 pounds really quickly – in as few as three months.” That’s why GloSlim also contains my proprietary anti-stress formula, featuring Sensoril, a precise, clinically-tested, and patented formulation of Ashwagandha, an ancient medicinal herb, treasured for centuries as an adaptogen in Ayurvedic healing. Sensoril is proven to reduce cortisol by 24% in definitive scientific studies. That, in turn: **

+ Decreases the many symptoms of stress by 69%
+ Improves sleep by 67%
+ Lessens fatigue by 79%, while boosting energy

Keeping stress – and cortisol – in check is also essential to controlling your weight. GloSlim is designed to help – with the exact clinically approved dosage of Sensoril in every capsule.

Additional Stress Supports: Adaptogenic Rhodiola + Holy Basil

A daily dose of NAOMI GloSlim includes 300 mg of the proprietary SpiceFruit formula, scientifically shown to support the average loss of 19.6 pounds in 8 weeks (with no changes in diet or exercise).

It also contains 250 mg of Sensoril, clinically proven to drop stress-inducing cortisol by 24%.

Lastly, two more powerful adaptogens, proven to help fight the negative effects of stress are included as well. GloSlim includes 50 mg of patented Rhodiolife, from the herb Rhodiola Rosea to promote energy and endurance, and 50 mg of patented Ocibest, derived from Holy Basil to help burn fat and tone muscles.

On SpiceFruit Supplementation

The SpiceFruit may look humble, but it packs a wallop of health benefits from its rich blessing of antioxidants, flavonoids, and polyphenols.

It’s a proven weight-controller. It’s a metabolic-mender. And it can help you defy your chronological age. It’s cultivated with centuries of knowledge. Harvested with care. And meticulously processed to preserve all its healing compounds.

NAOMI GloSlim delivers 300 mg of standardized SpiceFruit extract in each capsule, the exact clinically-proven dosage of Cameroon SpiceFruit to help fuel your personal weight control. The once-a-day capsule features wild-grown and naturally harvested SpiceFruit from the deep forest of Cameroon and is produced in a state-of-the-art, FDA-inspected facility here in the United States. 

It’s cultivated with centuries of knowledge. Harvested with care. And meticulously processed to preserve all its healing compounds. Unlike many supplements that come from questionable sources, none of the ingredients are sourced from China. There are no binders, fillers, or dyes — ingredients sometimes used in other products may trigger allergic reactions or even depress immune function.*

GloSlim will ramp up all your metabolic functions and make it much easier for you to control and maintain your weight. Something I’m pretty excited to be able to offer at a time like this. Try the supplement now with our exclusive offer for Chalkboard readers. I literally guarantee the product — learn more below.

An Exclusive Offer

Try NAOMI GloSlim with our exclusive offer for TCM readers: when you buy one bottle, you get a second bottle for 50% off. This way you get a full 2-month supply covering you for the same period of time (8 weeks) that helped study participants mentioned above achieve their healthy weight loss results.

This offer is not available in stores – it ships free direct-to-your-door. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, simply return any unused portion within one year of purchase for a full, unquestioned refund. You risk nothing with our 365-Day, No Questions Asked, Any Reason Money-Back Guarantee.

naomi whittel weight loss

This story is brought to you in partnership with Naomi Whittel. From time to time, TCM editors choose to partner with brands we believe in to bring our readers special offers. The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.


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